Comprehensive Estate Planning And Probate Advocacy

3 tips for talking to your parents about estate planning

On Behalf of | Aug 12, 2024 | Estate Planning

As you get older and understand the benefits of an estate plan, it’s normal to want to know if your parents have one. But how can you bring up such a sensitive topic? 

If you approach this subject from an informed angle, you may have a productive conversation. Below are three tips to help you achieve this:

Plan what to say

Plan what to say before you meet your parents. If you have siblings, agree on this together. One of the things you should be ready to inform your parents of is why you want to hold the conversation. 

For example, you want to see if they need help or you witnessed another family go through a challenging court process due to the lack of a will and would not wish that on your family. Or you would like to know if you have been appointed to a crucial role, such as a health care agent, and wish to start preparing.

Choose the right time

It can be impossible to determine a perfect time for such a conversation, but you should not wait until it’s too late or after a major event like a health scare happens. Have the conversation once you and your siblings are on the same page. And when you choose a day and time, let your parents know sooner.

Ask about what they have done 

When you sit down with your parents and have informed them of the purpose of the meeting and your reasons behind it, learn what they have done first. This way, you can know how to steer the conversation.

Talking to your parents about estate planning is not necessarily about “protecting your inheritance.” You can initiate the conversation without painting such a picture. You should also help your parents get legal guidance to make their work more manageable.